Brews Brothers Bylaws

Brews Brothers - Bylaws
I.  Name
  1. The name of the organization/agency/group shall be Brews Brothers.
II. Board of Directors
  1. The Board of Directors shall serve without sobriety and consist of any number of members.
  2. Eligibility criteria consist of enjoying finely and sometimes not so finely crafted cold frosty adult beverages.
  3. Board members shall serve each other beer once every two weeks.
  4. Vacant mugs shall be filled by a new bottle of beer, with the recommendation of the vacant holding Board Member.
  5. Board members without beer more than twice shall dismissed from the Board.*
III. Officers
  1. Police? Not welcome.
  2. Security? Less welcome.
IV. Committees
  1. The Board may appoint standing and ad hoc committees as needed.
V. Meetings
  1. Regular meetings shall be held on Friday at 6:30 PM every other week.
  2. Special meetings may be held at any time when called for by the Chair or a majority of Board members.
  3. Beer selection to be provided by Thursday at 9 PM before the Friday meeting.
VI. Conflict of Interest - If you don't like beer we will kick your conflicted ass out.

VII. Fiscal Policies
  1. Each member is expected to bring his or her own beer and in sufficient quantity to share with a substantial number of the other attending members. 
  2. Games, contests, and other types of friendly competition shall be entered into by option, and financed solely and equally by participating members.

VIII. Amendments
  1. These by-laws may be amended by a two-third vote of Board members present at any meeting, provided a quorum is present and provide a copy of the proposed amendmend(s) are provided to each Board member at least one week prior to said meeting.

Executed on February 11, 2011, by the below signed members: